Wednesday 7 June 2017

Life Update: Mini break

Hey guys! Thought I'd give you all a mini life update since I decided to take a small break from blogging. I am back on it now, so don't worry there will be more content coming soon!

As you are all aware, there was a bombing in Manchester at a concert recently. Some of my family were attending that event but thankfully decided to leave 5 minutes early and missed the attack. Even though they are safe, it has really hit home and made me a appreciate every second spent with family and friends. I took a mini break to spend more time with family for that reason. I've had a lovely time with my family and have been boating with them all. But now I want to get back into my normal blogging routine. 

I am going away to the Dominican Republic, probably as you are reading this post. Me and my boyfriend (Ryan) are celebrating 5 years together, so I am super excited for a nice break away. So I apologise in advance if there are some delays with posts for the next two weeks, however I am pre-writing a lot so that you guys won't miss out. 

I intend to put more effort into my blog posts this summer as I am away from uni and have some more time to put into it. I hope this mini update didn't bore you all too much!

Love Rebecca Ashley x

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