Wednesday, 8 March 2017

"When Your Skin Hates You" Skincare Routine

Hey guys! Well I don't know about you, but my skin has been hating on me this past week. I am not sure why, maybe because I committed the ultimate makeup sin and slept in my makeup one night - I mean a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do when there are no wipes or cleansers available! So basically, my skin has had a freak out and I needed some skin-care loving and to give it a good detox. I have dry/sensitive skin so the products I use are more designed to work with my skin, however I'll do my best to suggest alternatives for you oily skin gals/guys! Here's some of my suggestions and tips for if your skin is having a freak out day too. 

1. Double Cleanse
So when your skin is having a meltdown, it just isn't enough to simply wash your face once. Chances are there is a lot of oil and dirt build-up that is causing your skin breakouts, so it's important to start with the cleanest canvas possible. When you go for a facial, 9/10 you will be given a double cleanse - it's not just being excessive, it actually helps. My first cleanse started with Liz Earle's Cleanse & Polish (as always), followed by a micellar water. The Liz Earle cleanser is nice and gentle to the skin, but still removes the majority of the dirt and makeup from my skin. The micellar water just picks up any excess and leaves your skin super cleansed. 
2. Exfoliate 
OK, the next step involves getting all the dead skin cells off your skin. This is important because you need to remove the dead-skin that is left on your face - especially if you haven't been moisturising properly and you have super dry skin as a result. I've used the Amphora Aromatics Apricot Facial Scrub because it's really gentle for my sensitive skin but still gets all the dead skin off. I also find it leaves my face with a bit of a glow! You can get very affordable scrubs from most places (Home Bargains  Superdrug, Wilkos etc.), it doesn't have to be anything super fancy!
3. Apply a detoxifying face mask
I find this step really helps get to the route of any skin problems. A detoxifying mask has the sole job of removing any impurities in your skin & pores (which will most likely be causing break-outs). For my dry/sensitive skin I opted for the AA Skincare Essentials Frankincense & Rose Clay Face Mask. This mask is great for all skin types because it isn't too strong on the skin. However, if you struggle with more oily skin I would recommend the Superdrug Detoxifying Dead Sea Mud Mask. This is really heavy duty and sucks anything bad from your skin! I would say avoid this one if you have sensitive skin though, as my skin can feel a bit red after. 

4. Wash & splash cold water
Once you've left your mask on for 10-15 minutes, its important to wash it all off. An extra tip is to splash your face with cold water after, as this will close off your pores. 

5. Tone
So, after some heavy detoxifying skin care, it's best to tone the skin to restore the PH levels of your skin. I used Liz Earle's Instant Boost Skin Tonic, as this is really soothing and calms my skin. However, a cheaper alternative is the Simple Soothing Facial Toner. 

6. Moisturise (& extra additions: Serums & Oils)
So now you want to add some moisture back into the skin. You can also add any serums and oils at this stage, however I've decided not to bother. I used The Body Shop Drops of Light Pure Healthy Brightening Day Cream, which is good for giving your skin some brightness. Use a more light weight moisturiser if you have oilier skin. 

7. Sudocrem
This isn't just an old wives tale, it actually works. Find the sudocrem from the bottom of your cupboard and put it on any of your break-outs. The next morning you will find them significantly reduced and much less red! I've been using this as my spot-treatment of choice since I was like 15 and it still works wonders. You just look a little scary... 

8. Rest & De-stress
So a lot of skin care problems route from the fact you're not looking after yourself properly. Stress can cause break-outs and lack of sleep will leave your skin looking dead. It's important to get some rest and try and de-stress yourself. A simple way I like to do this is by disconnecting myself from the world (turning my phone off) and putting a good show on Netflix. This should help you forget about any stresses and worries you have for a least a few hours, giving your skin a good rest. 

9. Stay away from the chocolate & beer
There is a popular myth flying around that chocolate and alcohol can cause break-outs. I'm not sure if that is entirely true, but it can't be good for us. Try and cut down any excessive chocolate and alcohol binging and you might see a difference in the way you feel in yourself and how your skin looks.

10. Hydrate 
Again, this is a very popular thing to say, but drinking lots of water can really help you and your body. I like to keep bottled water in my mini fridge to encourage me to drink more fluids. I generally feel better when I drink more water and replace any fizzy drinks with water. I also recommend trying sparkling water if you are a fizzy drink junkie like me. 

I hope some of these tips helped you and your stressed skin out! Let me know if you have any other tips or if you use any of these.

Love Rebecca Ashley x


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