Wednesday, 1 March 2017

My Four March Goals

It's goals time! Once again, I've set myself 4 monthly goals to stick to. A lot of people are giving up things for lent this month, but personally I've decided not to bother this time. I always have my monthly goals and I don't really have the time/effort to give up something major right now! So, here are my 4 goals for this month. Let me know if you have any goals or are giving up anything for lent!

1. Try my best in all my assignments

I have quite a few assignment deadlines coming up, so I want to make sure I put 100% effort into every one. I am pretty pleased with how I did in last semester and want to keep it up so I gain a 2:1 for my second year at uni. 

2.  Be able to walk properly 

So like an idiot, I fell over and cut my leg/bum/foot the other day. As of now, I am limping everywhere and I am pretty sore. I just hope that the pain goes away quick and I can walk normal again lol. 

3. Incorporate more fashion into my blog

I've been inspired lately by some fashion blogs and I love all the photography they incorporate into their blog. I've decided I want to do more fashion related posts with some good quality photography. I will still be doing my regular posts with Boutique of Molly and hopefully plan a few more. 

4. Apply for some jobs

I could do with some extra cash ready for summer, so I want to apply for some jobs and possibly some placements. I'm also going to look out for some temporary work over the summer, as this is what I did last year and it worked out great. 


As per, not so great. Let's try again next month ha. 

Join the gym - SUCCESS
Find somewhere to live - SUCCESS
Stop chocolate binging - FAIL
Plan a theatre trip with my mum - FAIL

Love Rebecca Ashley x

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