Sunday, 26 March 2017

Healthy Procrastination? Top 10 Tasks

Hey guys! So today I'm sat here pushing myself to get my work done for my upcoming deadlines. But like oh so many people, I can be the queen of procrastination. For those of you who don't already know, procrastination is defined as "the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It is the practice of doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time." - (Wikipedia). 

So here is my top 10 tasks that I do to procrastinate, but are still slightly helpful (aka, no Netflix and chill.) *Disclaimer - try not to procrastinate!*

1. Write a blog post
So, this is what I've decided to do right now. I like to have 2 posts go up a week, so finding time to write them can sometimes be tricky. So, if I'm having a mind-block and want to avoid work, this is a pretty good alternative for me. 

2. Tidy up
I am probably most famous for this. I HATE tidying and cleaning, but anything is better than writing essays & filling in spreadsheets right? If I have any deadlines coming up, be sure that my room will also be looking spotless. 

3. TLC
So deadlines = stress = unhappy you. If you need a break then why not give yourself a little time? I like to give myself a good skincare detox, do my eyebrows, fake tan etc. 

4. Cook
Work = hunger = hangry. We need to make sure we feed ourselves after all? So may as well make a nice meal in the process.

5. Build a new skill
If you really want to avoid something, why not improve something else? Maybe you want to get fitter and could use this time going to the gym? 

6. Read
We all know that Netflix is like the devil in this situation. But instead of getting lost in 5 episodes of Gilmore Girls, reading a nice book is probably better. We all forget to read these days, but reading is really good for us and is slightly better then Netflix-binging.  

7. Food Shopping
Again, this is where hunger comes in to play. Most people hate food shopping, but maybe you can face the idea of it if it means avoiding whatever else you need to do in the process? 

8. Sleep
Sometimes we just need to go to bed for a bit when we are feeling a bit stressed. You will wake up much more energised and ready to complete whatever you need to do. Just make sure that you don't sleep for too long. 

9. Update your CV
Something we always forget to do, but always needs doing? Why not use the time to make sure your CV is great and up-to-date. You never know when you might need it next. 

10. Look for jobs
I guess this is more for the unemployed, or the people who just hate their current job? But why not look for work! At least this could land you with a new job and a nice pay-check in the process. 

So I hope you enjoyed reading some of my "healthy" procrastination ideas. Maybe you are procrastinating right now reading this? Let me know if you have anything else to add to the list! 

Love Rebecca Ashley x


  1. I'm guilty of the cleaning one! For some odd reason, when I have so much stuff to get done, I suddenly turn into a cleaning queen and blitz everything.. so odd! At least my place is getting tidied I suppose!

  2. I know I'm so bad! I'm sure my flat mates love when I have an essay because the kitchen looks great haha xx


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