Wednesday, 1 February 2017

My Four February Goals

Hey guys! It's that time again when we sit down and figure out our goals for this month. I really want to kick start some fitness in this month, so hopefully I stick to these ones! 

1. Join the gym

So the first goal hits off the whole 'fitter me' goal. This time for real, lol. I didn't do it last month because I spent 3 weeks at home after my exams, so it would have been a waste of money to pay for last month. 

2. Find somewhere to live

This is quite an important one really, as I need to find somewhere to live for the next academic year. I have made the decision to stay in Leeds next year, therefore, I now need to figure out where! I have a flat viewing with some friends at the end of January to kick start house hunting. 

3. Stop chocolate binging 

Another part of the 'fitter me' goal is to put down chocolate. I have a very 'love/hate' relationship - I love chocolate but my body hates it. If I can cut out my daily chocolate snack I would feel a lot better about myself. 

4. Plan a theatre trip with my mum

Another trip? Yeah, I want to take my mum to go watch a West End show in London for a night - with maybe a trip to Covent Gardens. We pretty much have our plan set out, we just need to book it! Hopefully we can go sometime at the end of the month. 


Well not much can be said for last months goals, but there are logical reasons for failure! Let's try better this month. 

Join the Gym - FAIL
Book my tickets to Harry Potter Studios - FAIL (I blame Ryan)
Decide what I am doing next year - Sort of a SUCCESS
Cut out sugar in fizzy drinks - SUCCESS

Love Rebecca Ashley x


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