Thursday, 11 August 2016

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Ebay Oval Toothbrush Makeup Bursh

Hey guys! Today I have a first impressions for you on the Ebay oval toothbrush makeup brushes. These are a copy of the Artis and Mac makeup brushes everyone has been raving about lately. This brush was only £2.55 which is a bargain compared to the real ones. I have a few eBay brushes and I've always been pretty impressed with them to be honest, so I have pretty high hopes for this one.  

First of all, the brush is very attractive. I love the copper/rose gold colour and it looks really pretty. It does feel light and rattles a little when moving around but I expected that for the price. The brush hairs are synthetic and are so soft! Probably one of the softest brushes I own. 

I used a mixture of Urban Decay Naked Skin and Nars All Day Luminous  and dotted it around my face. I then blended it in with this brush. The brush head is massive which meant it took me barely any time at all to fully blend my foundation. This would be great if you needed to do your makeup quickly. The brush felt so soft against my skin and did not pull or drag at all. 

I then went in with some LA Girl Pro Conceal around my problem areas. This again blended nicely, but was tricky to get into some of the smaller areas (like around the nose.) I decided to skip trying to blend my under eye concealer with this because the brush head would just be far too big. 

For a first impression, I really like this brush. I think I'll use it on days where I want to get my makeup done fast. For the price, it is totally worth checking out. 


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