Thursday, 11 October 2018


Hey guys! I'm going to try and get back into the flow of writing - pretty sure I say that every time - but this time I'm serious (I think). Today, I wanted to chat about my experience moving to a different city and why I think its a good idea. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of negatives, but instead of moaning, I thought I'd try and be positive, lol. 

1. You grow up

Let's just start with the biggest one.

When you move anywhere else but home, you are obviously going to mature in the process. You are taking yourself away from your support system and moving to unknown territory. You're obviously going to mature and grow up.

I have matured so much since the day my mum dropped me off in Leeds over 3 years ago, which leads me to the next point... 

2. You become independent 

You've gotta handle your own shit.

Like I said, you're leaving your little bubble behind and you have no choice but to learn to do things yourself. You learn to look after yourself, how to pay bills, how to travel, everything. I am literally the queen of public transport after moving out without a car, which is actually really handy. 

3. You gain new experiences 

You are somewhere totally new. It is obviously going to be completely different to what you are used to. 

I found this especially right, moving from a tiny town to a big city. Everything was different, but I loved it. I loved the buzz and the ability to pretty much do whatever you want. There are perks to every different place, but you might not experience them until you are there for yourself. 

4. New friends 

Obviously, you are always going to have your home-town friends. It might even teach you a lesson or two about who your real friends are. But you will also meet amazing people on your new journey. 

Likely hood is, if you move out as a student, you will have to share your accommodation with other people. Obviously, there are going to be people you don't get on with (which adds to the growing up part) but there will be people you can't envision not being part of your life anymore. 

5. New opportunities

I guess this was the biggest reason I moved away. I wanted to go to university and there isn't a local Mansfield Uni - or not anything near what I wanted. Its the same for when you are looking for work. Moving will open you up to new opportunities and its great.  

Obviously, moving away won't be for everyone and there is plenty of reasons why staying in your hometown is amazing. I'm just trying to express how moving away has potentially shaped me into a better version of myself and has given me a better life. 

Don't be scared to make the move. 

Love Rebecca Ashley x

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