Wednesday, 3 May 2017

My Four May Goals

Hey guys! I can't believe how fast this month has flew by and I only have 1 week left at university until I've finished my second year - crazy! Sorry if I've been a tad quiet this past 2 weeks but if you read one of my recent posts, my phone was stolen and I've only just got my new one (but lost all my data!) I've also got all my deadlines this week so I am just trying to fit time for blog posts whilst I can, but after next week I will have lots of time to put into my blog again and I have some really exciting things lined up. Anyway lets stop rambling and get into what we all came here for. 

1. Finish everything for University 

So yeah, this is a fairly obvious and important goal. It's been very stressful trying to get everything ready for my deadlines, so my main goal at the moment is getting everything handed in and getting it done to a high level. 

2. Have a successful move

So, after I've handed in my deadlines I'm moving back home for the summer. This means I need to move ALL my stuff back home to Nottingham, then move it all again later this year, in September, back up to Leeds. - Yeah stress! So I really need to get myself organised for all the moving by packing everything PROPERLY (not just in black rubbish bags like last year). 

3. Find a summer job

I have quite a lot of time off whilst I go home, so I want to find another temporary job. I like working over summer so I can get some extra cash and so I am not completely bored doing nothing at home. 

4. Look into booking a summer holiday

So it's coming up to a year since me and Ryan went on our last summer holiday and we already know that we want to go again this year. It is actually our 5 years together in June, so it would be nice if we could find something last minute to celebrate. 


So last months were quite chill, so I pretty much did everything I wanted to do and I really enjoyed having this time to myself with friends and family. 

Connect with friends from home - SUCCESS
Do more blog photography - SORT OF YEAH
Have some family time - SUCCESS
Do something fun - SORT OF YEAH

Love Rebecca Ashley x 

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